dog behaviourdog training

Tips to Train Your Dog Not to Bark at Strangers

Buddy Waggles
Author: Buddy Waggles, 14 Nov 2022Humans read in 2 mins, Dogs read in 14 mins
Tips to Train Your Dog Not to Bark at Strangers

Barking at strangers is a common dog behaviour that is a headache to many dog owners. While it may seem odd to worry about barking at strangers, the fact is that unnecessary barking can be bad for you and your dog.

Dog barking is an instinctive behaviour to protect family members and property, whereas some dogs don't know how to bark politely and end up frightening everyone around them.

Do you find that your dog barks at people in the neighbourhood? Here are several tips you can use to prevent him from barking at strangers or lesser-known people around.

How to Train Your Dog Not to Bark at Strangers?

Divert the Focus

Distracting your dog will help you teach him to stop barking. Jingling your car keys when he barks is a quick fix. Draw his focus to you with the jingling sound, and order him to "sit." Each time he follows your instructions, give him a treat.

Over time, your dog will understand that his good behaviour gets him a tasty treat, barking at strangers does not.

Prevention Method

Whether it is your first week with your pup or you have recently brought a new adult dog home, keeping your dog busy and active will help limit barking and discourage them from learning it. You can lessen the amount of barking of your dog or puppy by paying attention to what he barks at. Although pups will not outgrow their tendency to bark, you need to take proactive measures to lessen it and train alternate communication methods.

Also, barking can be tremendously beneficial in figuring out what frightens or unnerves your dog. As a pet parent, it is your responsibility to protect your dog from situations that would cause undue stress. Your dog may be trying to communicate with you by barking continuously that he has an unmet demand or he needs to be taken out of a frightening or difficult circumstance.

Remove the Reward

When your dog barks, he receives some form of appreciation. He wouldn't do it otherwise. Determine what he gets when he barks, then take steps to stop it.

For example, if he stands in the living room window and barks at people and animals passing by, then keep the curtains closed or shift your dog to another room.

If your dog barks when he wants to go out, teach your dog to press the toy buzzer instead of barking. Get him to the buzzer and give him a treat when he buzzes it. Gradually it will train him to press the buzzer when he wants to go out.

Help Your Dog Socialize

If a lack of socializing is the significant cause of your dog barking, you can teach him through exposure to socializing better.

You can invite different friends at home often and ask them to offer treats to your dog. Your dog will learn that new people come to give love, care, and treats.

Taking your dog for as many walks as you can in different locations will also help in reducing barking. He will quickly understand that people are not a threat; even strangers can offer love and treats.

We hope these tips help you get your dark not to bark at strangers when you take him out. If you want outdoor dog training tools, shop at Bully Billows.

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