dog health

Top 5 Common Household Items that Can Harm Your Dog

Humans read in 2 mins, Dogs read in 14 mins
Top 5 Common Household Items that Can Harm Your Dog

As a pet owner, you not only want to keep your pet safe and healthy, but it becomes your responsibility too.

Animals use their tongues to investigate their surroundings and may ingest harmful toxins, and thus this needs to be taken care of. The ASPCA's Animal Poison Control Centre is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to educate pet owners about dangerous pet poisons. The ASPCA has compiled a list of the most prevalent offenders, many of which may be found in and around your home, to help you protect your pet.

Here are the top five everyday household items that might harm your dog.

Poisonous Rodents

Don't use rat or mouse poison outdoors if you have a dog and a mouse—many chemicals poison dogs in rats, mice, and moles poisons. Poisoning may occur when a dog ingested bromethalin (which poisons the CNS) or brodifacoum (an anticoagulant that keeps blood from clotting). Indirect poisoning occurs when your dog nibbles on a poisoned mouse.

Because rat and mouse poisons come in so many varieties, bring the original packaging, EPA registration number, or a sample to the vet to identify the active ingredient (which will help us determine the appropriate treatment). Rodenticides are one of several things that might harm your dog if left about the house.

Slug Bait

Slug bait is made of brown sugar or molasses. Sadly, our furry friends like the sweet treats as well. Slug bait (pellets, liquids, or powders) typically contains Metaldehyde in addition to brown sugar or molasses, and Metaldehyde in small concentrations may be fatal. Poisoned dogs may show symptoms minutes after ingestion and persist for three hours.

Mosquito Repellent

Rather than using a human mosquito repellent, see your veterinarian for a safe treatment for your dog during mosquito season. These products commonly include DEET, which may cause tremors, seizures, and even death in dogs.

Alcoholic Beverages

While getting your dog drunk may seem entertaining or cute, never give your dog alcohol. Like human alcohol poisoning, a dog that drinks alcohol may vomit, have diarrhea, lose coordination, have problems breathing, tremors, abnormal blood acidity, and even die.


Since recreational marijuana is legal in Washington State, we see an increase in THC toxicity in dogs. Some dog owners treat their pets with CBD oil (without contacting us) because they've heard it's a miracle treatment. Dog owners who want to treat their dogs with CBD oil contact Atlantic Veterinary Hospital every day.

No one knows yet whether the things are safe, what the hazardous dose is, or if they contain consistent levels of CBD. As a consequence, we can't recommend CBD oil.

Dogs are eating marijuana brownies, increasing THC and chocolate toxicity. THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana, is toxic to dogs. Don't give your dog CBD oil or other marijuana products to be safe.

What should I do if I fear my dog has eaten one of these products?

If you believe your dog has eaten any of these dog-poisonous household items, call or take them to your veterinarian immediately. These circumstances may be frightening, but we've been there and understand! Treatment depends on what your dog ate, and in many cases, treatment is urgent. Also, if you want to make sure your dog is treated well, do not forget to check out Bully Billows for the best accessories for dogs.

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