5 Tips to Enjoy a Perfect Vacation with Your Dog

Humans read in 2 mins, Dogs read in 14 mins
5 Tips to Enjoy a Perfect Vacation with Your Dog

Vacations are the most awaited time of the year - we all look forward to having a few days off and enjoying a relaxed time. Wouldn’t your vacation be 1000 times better if you can take your dog with you too?

Most people sadly leave their doggo at home or with a caretaker, as travelling with these little creatures can be somewhat difficult. However, since your pets are a part of everything you do, shouldn’t they get to share the vacation too?

No matter if you are planning a single-day trip or multi-day vacation, all you have to ensure is that you are well prepared. With some careful research and extra planning, your trip can go perfectly, without any problems.

Here are some tips to make your first vacation with your dog a perfect one.

Tips to Make a Perfect Vacation With Your Dog

1. Determine If Your Dog is Ready for the Vacation

The first thing you should do is ask yourself honestly about your dog's behaviour- does your dog follow basic commands? Do they like to socialize with new people? What is their behaviour in strange situations?

To make sure your dog is ready for a vacation, you can take them to a new dog park, dog-friendly restaurant, dog-friendly store before you head on a trip. See if he is comfortable and well-behaved with new people and other dogs on the road and park. Also, ensure your dog is fully vaccinated before you take him out.

2. Discover If Your Trip is Dog Friendly

Before you make any plans to travel with your dog, make sure the destination and route are dog-friendly so that you both can enjoy the trip. While many places are now permitting pets, there are still venues such as museums, wildlife preserves, theme parks, and dining embellishments that do not allow pets.

Never leave your pet alone in the car even for a little stoppage. It may be the start of an unpleasant trip.

3. Update Dog’s Identification

Dogs are curious creatures. No matter how vigilant you remain, they can escape and get lost in unfamiliar places. Keep yourself and your dog ready for such situations, and attach an updated ID tag at his dog collar. Include your permanent address, contact number, and your local stay address at the destination in the ID tag.

You can also attach a GPS device to their collar with which you can track their location with your phone.

4. Speak to Vet

Your vet has a better idea of the health of your dog. Consider consulting them before planning a trip. If the vet foresees any issues with your pet, they would recommend you the best option.

If there are no complications with your dog, ask your vet for the health and vaccination certificates which you may require for your trip. Also, prepare a handy first aid kit with their help in case emergencies pop up.

5. Take Toilet and Play Breaks

If you are travelling in a car, make sure you take stops in short intervals so that your pet can relieve himself. The dog will feel relaxed after stretching its legs and have more fun with you.

If you choose to travel by flight, make sure you follow the provided toileting and feeding instructions at the time of check-in.

Make sure you take a leash, collar, foods, treats, dog bed, water bottle, feeding bowl, and toys with you to not face any inconvenience.

The first vacation needs extra attention and preparation. If it goes right, you have cleared your way to all the future vacations with your dog.

If your leash and harness are old and not in good quality anymore, buy new ones from Bully Billows and make their vacation more exciting.

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